Thursday, July 10, 2008

10 Jul 08 - I love you, City Harvest Church

yesterday was the mid-point of my RCIA journey..time flies,isn't it? Not that i want to look back, but it's really amazing how was i able to survive the past months..dun worry;I wun bore u or myself w those details, i'm just amazed..

i really thank God for CHC..esp for Pastor Kong,Sun, Sis Jacq, Ziwei, Frances,ChunHua,Alec, Victor Lim,Val,Delia. I can still remember how embarrassed I am whenever Ziwei or Alec introduced me as 'the one who invited me to CHC' be honest,i dun remember what i did to invite them..All i remember is one day they came and they stayed. Totally clueless how n why they come.. seriously-not that i'm trying to 'promote' myself but i'm really clueless. That's why i'm super embarrassed by this kind of introduction.(Guys,if u r reading this, dun do this intro anymore ok?) I guess the seed was planted by someone, but harvested by me; and the credit was given to me??? But it's real joy in me to see them all rising up strong in faith n rooted in church- one is a well-trained CGL;another is worship leader in weekly service; both are going to be Godly head of their family.They made such a difference in their school-days too-I can just see the connections of souls they're bringing up to Heaven as their harvest for God. (Hmmm..kinda jealous y i didn't rise up with them, afterall i'm in church longer than

Growing up in CHC is really one of God's greatest blessings to me. Besides the strong Biblical teachings,life applications n the strong family bond (trust me-no matter where i'll be,CHC will always be my family), i've also learnt how to face persecutions. i'm sure u know how much in limelight is worldly eyes,we'r radical,aggressive n even 'too rich' for a Christian church; to spiritual eyes,we're on the cutting edge of breaking all limitations for God's glory.Everyone will question us on tithing,building fund,church doctrines n commitment,out-reach etc.. I'm sure every CHC member will face these questions, to an extend it's become a norm for us. I really thank Pastor Kong for his teachings to help us face these issues!He is really like our father-he's so open,stern,loving to us.(trust me-when Pastor is stern,he IS stern and will not spare us in his 'loving kindness') That's strong discipleship!

Someone once told me Christian church focus on fellowship,while Catholic church focus worship. Well,it might be true for some churches they've been,but it's definitely NOT for CHC. Worship God and discipleshp is our root,henceforth our strong fellowship, not another way round. Maybe that's y it took us quite a while before we are recognised as denomination of our own.
Someone also told me that people from CHC are easily recognised-I don't know how true but I know I can identify another fellow CHC member just by listening to him/her. I guess is that the church culture lives within us: "To build a church with a strong spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity,where every member is released into ministry,discipled in the Great Commandment to obey the Great Commission." What an honour to carry God's Glory which people can see!!

wonder why i'm so into thanking CHC today? I also dunno..but i know if not for CHC,i'd have committed suicide when all hope was gone and suicide seem to be 'natural' thing to,death was always in my mind and i've always been preparing for it. To extend that i often felt the urge to step into the way of a on-coming vehicle, to experience its impact of 'accident', whenever i cross the road. Don't believe? Well, u can ask B..he knows how open I am to talk about death,how crazy I was to be always think of dying..In fact,B also really dun like me having such tots, it took him a while to get me out of these tots. But when B left, i tell u,these tots came back even stronger..tempting me in every ways. I tried all best to resist, for God, for B and myself.

then why i cross-over since i love CHC so much? please do not ask me such question.I've answered numerous times-I just follow. I prayed,I heard,I know i just have to obey.(fyi, if u've been praying for God to speak to u, n when He speaks to u, pls do what He says - otherwise it's really no point of praying for Him to speak into ur life, yet u dont want to follow Him)

If u ask me now,i'd still prefer to return to CHC to bask in the strong discipleship and teachings. That's why I'm praying for a clearer direction n calling now. It's kinda a debate of 'God,I want that' and 'Child,this is for you'. In CHC, I know I can sit back and be fed n feed and easy while staying in contact with Holy Spirit *best of both worlds* But everytime I see the hunger in AMP and even RCIA,I have this burning to rise up to feed this hunger..Guess I just have to find a balance between being fed and feeding others. I wonder how the charismatic leaders in AMP and CTKCPG do it..Please join me in my prayer in this issue, ok?

I love you, City Harvest Church! You will always be my spiritual family!!
"To build a church with a strong spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity,
where every member is released into ministry,
discipled in the Great Commandment to obey the Great Commission."


Anonymous said...

"The Harvest is rich but the laborers are few"

Receive from the Lord in abundance. Give to Him all that you have.

J said...

i'd love to be laborers for Lord..but after going thru what happened, i'm still re-learning how to walk.. I see the Hunger but my tongue is tied..i dun know how to share like i used to..