Saturday, January 26, 2008

26 Jan 08 - Double portion of Blessing

You cannot believe how double blessed I am!! My spirit rejoices and so refreshed cos I've spoken to a woman of such strong faith!! And I've never even expected her to be Christian at all!!

She is my buddy's girlfriend. I never expect them to visit me,but they just did. To her,she felt the urge to come, we just know it's God. I've seldom to talk to her;just now was the first time I really talk to her -woman-to-woman. She blessed my soul so so much with her faith in God..I just enjoy talking to her.. .. Indeed,we are all micro in the macro world of God. Only when we are able to leave everything to God,then that is faith. Always remember we have a safety net cos our Lord will never let us fall beyond Him. Just trust Him in each day,day by day.. Eventually,we have to present ourselves to God-an account between oneself and God where no one else matters anymore...What matters is to be true to myself-of how God has created me and how he has planted this faith in me..He is the Author and Finisher of my faith..What a joy it'll be if we are able to present Him our moulded self when He returns..The moulding process will hurt,it sure hurts..the devil is sure to attack especially when we are so dear to God..but trust God in everything-because God will perfect and is working in us..

Let me tell you guys, I've never had such personal uplifting conversation before! She is just here,so compassionate yet strong in faith. She is such a amazing woman!! My buddy should be very blessed to have her as girlfriend! You know,i can almost imagine how blessed Elizabeth (Mary's cousin) felt when our Blessed Virgin paid her a visit (Luke 1:39-45).. My spirit is so filled with joy and my cup is so full.. I pray God will use me to bless people around me,just like she has blessed me.. My experience will not be in vain.. What a blessing to be used by God indeed!!

I'm in awe of what God is doing-He just keep blessing me with all these miracles..My spirit want to shout with joy "Glory to God!"...I'm coming back to the place of worship,when it's all about You.It's all about You,Jesus...


Unknown said...

Hi J,

I am so glad to know I have made a difference to you today. In fact you know it wasn't me, I merely acted as a tool to remind you of His presence.

I am definitely not the first person to remind you of things you (many of us) already how time can heal, having faith, knowing there is a perfect plan for you and that we should not be anxious while waiting for Him to reveal to us His plan...

He is constantly putting us through tests to get us ready for bigger things. At times like these, we often ask for the easy way out, of our hearts' desires. You may have doubts on how you can ever do this , but don't forget that He is in fact living every second with us. He knows how exactly we feel and has instilled in us sufficient capacity to deal with our 'problems'.

On your road of recovery while He strengthens your weaknesses, expect troughs.

Even though you may wake up some mornings feeling super lousy, never forget to be still and praise Him.

Your probably know the song 'Still'. This song saw me through my valley days. I simply repeated the chorus in my heart (sometimes sang out loud) during those days.

Hide me now, under Your wings
Cover me, within Your mighty hand

Find rest my soul, in Christ alone
Know His power in quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm

Father, Your are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God

J said...

Thanks Wendy..You just don't know how much blessing you brought me last night..till now I still marvel at God's plan for sending you. You are indeed woman of faith-strong yet gentle. I don't understand why we didn't chat like that before,but I sure glad we did a start.
Thank you for your sharing and your song..that song is in Don Moen's Hiding Place album and is actually given by B as our monthly gift exchange..It's really seeing me through this difficult time too,as I seek and hide in Him