Tuesday, June 17, 2008

17 Jun 08 - 19th Youth In Spirit Seminar

You know, I almost gave up blogging cos it's so addictive..But after my YI, everyone, esp my 2 young brothers in RCIA, just want to know what happened to me? I mean, I am so joyful! (No denial - I AM happy happy happy :D !!) My colleagues wonder if I'm ok (esp it's Back-to-work Monday with 2 presentation meetings)..

I tell you why I'm so HAPPY!.. I LOVE BEING IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, MOVING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!! If God is for me, who can be against be me! Remember the hunger I saw in Amplify? God delights in that hunger and honours it.. The outpour of Holy Spirit is so strong! It's been some time since I soaked myself in such tangible Spirit, simply enjoying every moment of drinking His living waters! FOr those of you who do not understand what I mean by soaking in Spirit and drinking Living waters.. Sorry, I cannot put the greatness of such experience into any words..Language has become so limited, if you use it to explain the wonderous works of God.

I suppose u'd have known how CHC started out.. just a small group of students and few young adults hungry for God..I mean, we were so small and 'cult' that my parents strongly oppose me from going to service (which was, of course, more of a illegal gathering then), even called government authority and brought me for a 'counselling' session with buddhist monk. Yes, we were just bunch of 'small fries', hunger and praying for God's great work in this generation...

To cut the story short, yes, that was what I saw in my YISS camp. Whether they came because of a friend or just an event to have fun, God loves, delights and He simply POURS His love over every one of us..So much and so tangible that we can practically swim in this sea of love! Don't believe? Well, once u tried this, you'll understand I'm NOT exaggerating..The OUTPOUR of Holy Spirit!! Even u have not received the gifts of the Spirit, you'll surely feel the strong tangible presence of God! Simply rest in His hug, His love, His presence..

I have to confess: I never thought I could experience His presence in such tangible way, since i've crossed over. I mean, Holy Spirit movement and His gifts are more of a 'protestant' faith, right? But how wrong I am! God is the same yesterday and today! He is the same God in the hearts of all followers of Christ - CHRISTians! He is the same God who parted the Red Sea, provided manna for His people in the wilderness, heals the sick and binds the brokenheart throughout the ages! From age to age, He stands, remember?

Seeing how Holy Spirit is working in our generation, raising up a new generation for God is totally awesome! The high Call to the Great Commission! (To be honest, nothing thrills me more than to see God's people rising up to take their places into God's Kingdom. It's simply AWESOME JOY!) God is no longer a concept or theological idea, but He is a LIVING GOD! That is why I'm so so so HAPPY! The joy flows from within!

Acts 9:31
Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.

"More of You, Holy Spirit"

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